Facility Rules
Sneakers, tennis shoes, or turf shoes only (no cleats)
Do not swing bat or throw balls outside of cage (unless instructed to do so by a coach)
Always be alert and aware of balls and bats around you
Treat the facility with respect; leave the space as you found it
No gum, seeds, drinks (other than water), food, or spitting
Tobacco or Alcohol use is not permitted in facility
All participants and instructors MUST have signed waiver on file
Hitter MUST wear a helmet while in the cage
Pitching machine operator must be at least 14 years old
Pitching machine operator must stand behind a safety screen
Always test pitch location before hitting
Only one batter and one operator are allowed in batting cage when machine is in use
Nets must be kept closed while pitching machine is operational
Players must pick up balls when finished